Trader raw materials

Rolled Steel, as a commodity trader, works continuously day after day to offer its clients the best service. At present we have positioned ourselves as one of the first companies in the purchase and sale of raw materials. However, this is not something that has made us accommodate and relax our work methodology, this success has motivated us to continue improving our work, listening to customers and valuing at all times what they suggest.

We are the commodity trader you were looking for

We are sure that we are the commodity trader you need. Among our most outstanding services we can mention the following:

Raw materials for refractories

Among the most important refractories are aluminum, silicon and magnesium oxides. Depending on the different conditions of use, some materials must be chosen or others, luckily, to get them at a good price, you just have to contact us and we will make you a good offer.


In welding, choosing the correct electrode is essential and this depends on the material to be welded, as well as the machine you have to carry out the work. No matter what type of electrode you need, we can help.


They are commonly used in the manufacture of different steels, with the aim of adding new chemical elements to the steel that will provide new characteristics to the alloy. As a commodity trader, we can also assist you in obtaining ferroalloys.

Engineering solutions

Another of our outstanding services is the proportion of engineering solutions, since we have helped many companies to obtain optimized results, which has allowed them to save money and improve their production level.

If you require the supply of raw materials for your business, we invite you to contact us so that we can provide you with all the attention you need.